Principle Investigator
Rachel Steinhardt
B.S. U. C. Berkeley (Prof. Z. Renee Sung)
M.S. U. C. Santa Cruz (Prof. Scott Lokey)
Ph.D. U. C. Irvine (Prof. Jennifer Prescher)
Postdoc. U. Chicago (Prof. Aaron Esser-Kahn)
Assistant Professor, Syracuse University
Scientific Heroes: Jenn Prescher, Carolyn Bertozzi, Larry Overman, Richard Feynman, Enrico Fermi, Salvador Dali
Graduate Students and Postdocs
Pantea Montazeri
B.S. Applied Chemistry, Toosi University of Technology
M.S. Organic Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology
Scientific Heroes:
Alireza Esmaeili
Faezeh Safar Nezhad
Saimon Shahriar
Janitha Gedara